Lazy summer days are a great time to lay by the pool and read a good book. In the spirit of the upcoming holiday sure to include a lot of leisure time, our physicians, nurses, and social workers have compiled a list of the top books about infertility they recommend to patients.
Read the descriptions below to find the right book for you!
Recommended Books About Infertility
20 Paths to Positive: Real Patients Share Inspiring Stories of Hope by Shady Grove Fertility
Infertility can impact anyone and every single story is unique. This compilation of real infertility stories will tug at your heartstrings and leave you with knowledge that you are not alone on your fertility journey.
Read 20 Paths to PositiveHow to Make Love to a Plastic Cup by Greg Wolfe
A favorite from our nursing staff, How to Make Love to a Plastic Cup is a funny and smart approach is a guy’s guide to infertility addressing important issues like the age old question: boxers or briefs? A great man’s perspective that can also shed light for the female reader on what her partner may be experiencing.
Find How to Make Love to a Plastic Cup on AmazonWaiting for Daisy by Peggy Orenstein
In this true to life story, Peggy Orenstein shares her very own fertility journey with readers. This witty memoir explores the roller coaster ride that is fertility treatment from injections to the dreaded two week wait – including a diagnosis of breast cancer and multiple miscarriages.
Find Waiting for Daisy on AmazonUnsung Lullabies by Janet Jaffee, PhD, Martha Diamond, PhD, and David Diamond, PhD
Recommended by Shady Grove Fertility’s Social Workers, Unsung Lullabies acknowledges all the emotions that you face when experiencing infertility. The books aims to give couples the tools to reduce their sense of helplessness, identify their partner’s coping style, and learn to listen to their conscious and unconscious thoughts about having a family.
Find Unsung Lullabies on AmazonLaughing IS Conceivable by Lori Shandle-Fox
Amazon editors agree, that Laughing IS Conceivable is one of the “Best Books of 2013 So Far.” This quick and very funny book was written while the author was going through IUI and IVF treatments.
Find Laughing IS Conceivable on Amazon
There are so many great books about infertility covering different aspects of the journey. Here are a few more that you might enjoy:
- When the Cradle is Empty, Answer Tough Questions About Infertility by John Van Regenmorter
- Sing You Home by Jodi Picoult
- Mom and Me… the Way It Should Be by Tina Rella
- Journey to Destiny, Traveling Through Infertility by Danielle Kinsey
- Every Drunken Cheerleader: Why Not Me? By Kristine Ireland Waits
- Savvy Woman’s Guide to PCOS by Elizabeth Lee Vliet
- Confessions of the Other Mother: Non-Biological Lesbian Moms Tell All by Harlyn Aizley
- Wanting Another Child: Coping with Secondary Infertility by Harriet Fishman Simons
- For the Love of Angela by Nancy Mayer-Whittington
- I’m Taking My Eggs and Going Home by Lisa Manterfield
And some recommended reading that has nothing to do with infertility:
- Happy for No Reason by Marci Shimoff
- The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin
If you are having trouble conceiving and would like to speak with one of our New Patient Liaisons by calling 877-971-7755 or schedule an appointment.