Approximately 70 percent of our patients have some coverage for infertility treatment and 90 percent have coverage for their initial consultation.
CU has partnered with WINFertility as its fertility benefits administrator in an effort to create greater access to fertility care for eligible CU employees, effective July 1, 2022. Through this partnership, CU employees enrolled in CU’s Anthem-administered Exclusive, Extended, and High-Deductible medical plan can access premier fertility care provided by Shady Grove Fertility Colorado — the exclusive in-network fertility center for CU employees. If you’ve been struggling to conceive, we encourage you to contact WINFertility at 866-430-6068 to learn more about your exclusive fertility benefits.
SGF also partners with several fertility networks or third-party administrators as well as companies/employers who offer additional fertility benefits, negotiate preferred service rates, and process claims on behalf of their employees as an employee benefit.
To determine your eligibility, please review our network participation list below. Some infertility networks may require patients to enroll directly with their organization before seeking treatment as a condition of eligibility. For more information on SGF’s third-party administrators, please contact your SGF Financial Counselor or ask your HR Department for the best way to contact them.
PREGnant study: This study aims to investigate efficacy of an embryo transfer with 60-days of Orilissa treatment in patients with endometriosis. The study provides Orilissa free of charge in addition to $100 upon completion of study visits.
Contact information:
Phone number: 720-276-8941
Online | 12:00 p.m. ET