The holiday season for many people can be a stressful time of year. This can especially hold true for fertility patients. The increased demands placed on individuals during this time by family and friends can be physically, emotionally and financially challenging. Luckily, there are still ways to make the holidays memorable this year.

Start a New Tradition

The holidays are about keeping with traditions, but when you are dealing with infertility, some of those traditions may prove too painful. Consider changing your holiday tradition and choose to do something different this year. Skipping the holidays altogether may be extreme, so consider focusing on activities that you enjoy most. Don’t think about your actions as ruining the holidays for other people. Look at it as “free time” that you and your partner can use to relax and get away from tradition, or start a new tradition.

Anticipate Problems and Plan Ahead

It’s important to gain control during this time by creating a game plan to help strategize your holiday activities. Think about which parties you would like to attend, and potential guests who might make you feel uncomfortable. Try to have an “escape plan” – work out a signal to your partner or a friend that lets them know you are having a hard time and need to leave the gathering. Take your own car so you can leave when you want.

It is also important to plan out responses to questions from friends and family, such as “When are you starting a family?” or “When will I be a grandparent?” Use role playing with your partner or friend to prepare your answers in advance. Remember, you don’t have to answer every question that is asked to you.

Find Other Ways to Nurture and Love

For couples experiencing infertility, it is important during this time of the year to get outside of yourself and channel the energies that you would have used if you had a child. Consider volunteering at a soup kitchen, helping with holiday donations at work or place of worship, or by doing something kind for someone unexpectedly. It is also important to do something special for yourself like taking time to do something that you like to do that reduces stress. Many couples consider getting a pet during this time of the year to help channel their love, affection and caring.

Join a Support Community

A support community of people who have experienced or are experiencing infertility can help during the holidays by reducing isolation and providing comfort. These include:

  • Shady Grove Fertility’s Support Groups – These support groups are headed by members of Shady Grove Fertility’s psychological support staff and most are free of charge. The focus of each support group varies from General Infertility to Donor Egg Recipient Support. Groups can be found in many of our offices from Towson and Rockville, Maryland to Annandale and Woodbridge, Virginia.
  • Shady Grove Fertility’s Online Community –Our online community is made up of over 10,000 current and past Shady Grove Fertility patients that provide support and encouragement. Join our community today!
  • RESOLVE – A national non-profit infertility association that provides resources and support for those struggling with infertility. Learn more at

Finally…Remember to Breathe

With all the joy that the holidays bring, it is still sometimes hard to smile. Still, it is important to think positive and avoid negativity. Positive thinking helps reduce stress, so think about participating in activities that help you reach a positive state of mind such as yoga, meditation or guided imagery. You can also take some time during the day to relax by listening to relaxing music or sounds that can rest your mind.

Remember to be mindful and stay in the moment. If you find yourself in a tense situation, remember to take long, deep breaths and think about what is happening at this moment. Try not to reflect on the past or concentrate too hard on the future. Take in the good around you and use those things to help feel supported.

For more information about Shady Grove Fertility Center, or to schedule an appointment with one of our physicians, please contact our friendly New Patient Liaisons by calling 888-761-1967.