Patient Story

Sara & Alex

Recurrent Pregnancy Loss
Unexplained Infertility
Shayne Plosker, M.D.
Tampa – Westshore, Florida
Brandon, Florida
Winter Haven, FL
Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET)
Genetic Testing of Embryos
In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
Polyp removal

My husband, Alex, and I met in early 2013 and got engaged in December of the same year. Around the same time, we unexpectedly but very happily had our first positive pregnancy test. We went to the doctor and confirmed the pregnancy by HCG blood test. We eagerly awaited our first ultrasound, which was scheduled to be at 12 weeks pregnant. I had just turned 24 years old and couldn’t be more excited about our future together. 

It was at that 12 week ultrasound that everything changed. I was told that there was no baby to be seen on ultrasound but instead a 20 centimeter mass was found. I was referred to a gynecologic oncologist where I was told I had ovarian cancer and quickly taken to surgery. I lost my right ovary and fallopian tube, but fortunately the cancer was caught early enough that my uterus, left ovary, and left fallopian tube were spared. I underwent 4 rounds of chemotherapy and was officially cancer free in April of 2014. 

Alex and I were married the following year on the beach. We longed to be parents after feeling like the opportunity was ripped away from us with my cancer diagnosis, so we immediately started trying again. Over the next few years, we experienced numerous negative tests and several chemical pregnancies.  

Finding fertility care at SGF

In 2019, we reached out to Dr. Plosker for the first time. We discussed my history and the next steps for treatment. I was a little hesitant and intimidated by the process, so I put it off for some time. After another 2 years of struggling with infertility, I finally found the courage to start the process. 

After all of my testing came back normal, we started with an intrauterine insemination (IUI). I was hopeful this would finally bring us our baby; however we had another negative test. 

By this time, I was 31 and felt like we needed to give in vitro fertilization (IVF) a try. We jumped straight in with all the shots and appointments for our first egg retrieval. We were blessed with 5 embryos, and I was so excited for our first transfer. Unfortunately, the first transfer did not take. Neither did the second.  

We decided to do a hysteroscopy to make sure my uterus was optimal for an embryo which led to a polyp being removed. We then tried a third transfer which was also unsuccessful. Next, we did an ERA, Alice, and Emma test hoping for some answers. With a few additional hours of progesterone, I had a chemical pregnancy with our next transfer. I felt like we were on the right track at this point. We completed our fifth transfer and still did not have success. I was feeling defeated but not quite ready to give up yet. 

We decided to do one more egg retrieval and to genetically test our embryos this time. From this retrieval, I had 2 genetically normal boys.  

I transferred the first embryo and was heartbroken again when it resulted in another chemical pregnancy.  

Never count yourself out

I felt like I had lost all hope at this point, but we had one more embryo and Dr. Plosker wasn’t ready to give up on us yet. We attempted another transfer however my lining was too thin. At this point, we decided to take a few months off and worked with him to get my lining optimal. We did some additional testing and also found that I could benefit from blood clotting medication.  

Finally, in June 2023, I had my seventh and final transfer. This was going to be our very last try. I felt like I had given this journey my all and I was ready to be done with the long drives, shots, and putting my life on hold for the “what if’s.” I went to my first HCG blood test at 10 days past transfer and my beta level was 24. I was crushed that it was so low and was certain it was another chemical pregnancy. Never count yourself out though! To my surprise, my HCG kept doubling and at the first ultrasound we saw a heartbeat. I was finally pregnant and completely shocked!  

Feels like a dream

We welcomed our son, Myles, to the world in February 2024. Some days, it still feels like a dream that after 10 years we’re finally holding our baby. He was worth the wait and every bit of heartache along the way. I know that everyone says that but it’s so true! 

My advice to anyone struggling with infertility is to keep searching for answers, try new things, advocate for yourself, and work with your doctors. Keep your faith on the hard days and know that against all odds, it can happen for you too. You are strong and can do tough things! Most importantly, none of this is your fault and you didn’t do anything to cause this. I hope and pray that you find success in your journey as well! 


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Need-to-know fertility resources and guidance

Diagnosis and treatment

We understand you may have questions about infertility and how it’s treated. Gain answers from the diagnosis and treatments shared in this story.
Infertility terms
In vitro fertilization (IVF)
Preimplatation genetic testing
Frozen embryo transfer (FET)

Receiving care

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Dr. Shayne Plosker
Brandon, Florida location
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