Patient Story

Lynae & Kyle

Obstructive Problems
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
Caleb Kallen, M.D., Ph.D.
Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania
Osterburg, PA
In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

I was a young teen when I was diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and it hit me hard. I’ve always loved kids and dreamed of being a wife and mama someday.

Fast forward to 28-year-old me, I met my soon-to-be husband. We talked about kids and my diagnosis. He assured me I was enough if it never happened, but we also promised each other we would do everything in our power to make it happen!

Kyle and I got married on September 18, 2021. It was a hot day! We tried that first year to conceive on our own. We were not super hopeful, as we were aware we would more than likely need help.

On November 11, 2022, we went to a local high-risk doctor that offered intrauterine insemination (IUI) treatments. We thought we would start there. After a failed IUI and multiple trips finding no matured follicles for a second IUI, our doctor encouraged us to take the next step to in vitro fertilization (IVF). He highly recommended Shady Grove Fertility, and we trusted him!

I remember sitting on that table holding it together as best I could. My sweet husband knew. As soon as we stepped outside the door, he wrapped me in his arms as I crumbled. Together, and by God’s grace, we got through it.

Finding fertility care at SGF

May 17, 2023, was our first telehealth appointment with Dr. Caleb Kallen. We told him our history and our desire to have a child. He came up with two possible scenarios and let us decide. The options were IUI (again) or straight to IVF. We chose IVF since we found out I also had a blocked fallopian tube.

June 16, 2023, was our first appointment at the Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, location. The nurses were amazing! They were so helpful and cheered us on every step of the way. We would leave and say, do you think they are always that friendly?

We began the shots and felt like we lived on a timer for those several months. My husband was a trooper in learning to give me the shots. We still like to tease my mom, who is a nurse, that he never hurt me, and she did!

Our retrieval was scheduled for July 3rd. There I sat, blue hair net, mesh booties and gown waiting to be wheeled back to the procedure room. My husband took my picture, claiming I “looked cute”…he has a way of making me laugh to ease my nerves, even when he’s struggling as well! After a short wait, I was back in my room and all was well.
The nurse told us they retrieved 11 eggs. Great! We had 3 embryos make it to blastocysts. Three chances to have our family.

Anticipation and hope

Our first transfer was August 18th. We were filled with anticipation and hope! But unfortunately, two weeks later, Dr. Kallen called and told us we were not pregnant. We were devastated. At first, I thought there was no way I could do this again. I couldn’t hear those words and feel that pain again.

Once again, we got through it, together.

We moved forward to 2 more months of shots and timers and prayers.

Our second transfer was on October 9, 2023. I told my husband we were doing the fun, good luck things this time. Wear yellow, McDonald’s fries after, and Hallmark movies on the couch once home! We anxiously, a little more hesitantly, waited for that 2-week later phone call.

The greatest joy

On October 23rd, Shady Grove Fertility came across my caller ID. I was terrified to answer. My voice quivered, “Hello…,” The cheery voice on the other end said, “Hi Lynae, this is SGF calling with some news! Lynae you are pregnant!”

I began crying with the greatest joy I’ve ever known. I immediately called my husband, and I’ll never get the sound out of my head. “Yes!!! Woohoo!!” He was yelling like his favorite football team won the Super Bowl!!!

Nine short months later on June 20, 2024, we had our miracle baby, Hayleigh Brooke.

We have been in love and totally taken with her ever since.

Honestly, we can’t thank Shady Grove Fertility enough!

And of course, to God be the glory … great things He has done!


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Need-to-know fertility resources and guidance

Diagnosis and treatment

We understand you may have questions about infertility and how it’s treated. Gain answers from the diagnosis and treatments shared in this story.
Infertility terms
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
In vitro fertilization

Receiving care

Assemble your fertility care team close to home. Explore our different locations and physicians who will provide guidance along your journey.
Dr. Caleb Kallen
Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, location
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