SGF Nurse

(WUSA) by Amy Leone — New research shows there could be a game-changing discovery in the world of fertility medicine.

Harvard scientists say they’ve discovered the ovaries of young women contain rare stem cells capable of producing new eggs. This discovery challenges the long-held belief that women are born with all the eggs they’ll ever have, and that those dwindle in health and number as they get older.

While the Harvard research team that uncovered these ovarian stem cells has high hopes for radically changing infertility treatments others question including Shade Grove Fertility’s medical director Dr. Robert Stillman how quickly it will happen.

“Women who are thinking about conception the issue that age plays a very important role in decreasing the ability to conceive easily still holds. This doesn’t mean that maybe some of their eggs will spring into action. I think this is exciting but perhaps for a future generation.”

Dr. Stillman also says women concerned about dwindling fertility who aren’t ready to start a family do have options now, including freezing eggs for the future. Shady Grove Fertility has a Fertility Preservation program.